Investing in Supply Chain Preparedness (ROI) |
Humanitarian Supply Chain Paper - "Delivering in a Moving World" |
More logistics, less aid: Humanitarian-business partnerships and sustainability in the refugee camp |
RCA - Approvisionnement de carburant - Etude de faisabilité et recommendations |
Supply Chain Expenditure & Preparedness Investment Opportunities: Help Logistics AG, Kuehne Logistics University and Action Contre la Faim |
Investing in Supply Chain Preparedness: Help Logistics AG, Kuehne Logistics University and Save the Children International |
Supply Chain Expenditure & Preparedness Investment Opportunities: Help Logistics AG, Kuehne Logistics University and IFRC |
Investing in Supply Chain Preparedness: Help Logistics AG, Kuehne Logistics University and UNICEF (through the GLC) |
Logistics Cluster Preparedness - Haiti, April 2017 (French) |
Logistics Cluster Preparedness - Haiti, April 2017 (English) |