

The Logistics Cluster Global Meetings (GLM) are held twice a year, and bring together Logistics Cluster partners and senior logisticians from humanitarian organisations at the global level. These meetings are a forum for strategic discussion of the Logistics Cluster and provide an opportunity to discuss relevant Logistics Cluster operations, collect feedback from partner organisations on Logistics Cluster performance, present new initiatives and projects relevant to the field of humanitarian logistics.

Introduction to the Note for the Record (NfR)

This Logistics Cluster Global Meeting involved the participation of 42 attendees from a total of 32 organisations. The meeting agenda was developed based on feedback from previous meetings. The theme of the meeting was "Humanitarian Access." The meeting was facilitated through presentations and discussions by a variety of partners and humanitarian stakeholders, and included sessions focused on the theme, the ECHO evaluation of humanitarian logistics, updates from current Logistics Cluster operations, and the Logistics Cluster Strategy Implementation Plan.

This NfR is organised to reflect the discussions as they took place during the Global Meeting in Dubai and aims to summarise the key discussion points and actions going forward. Additional meeting documents including presentation slides, the participants list and survey results are available below.