As part of the VII Regional University Forum of the Americas and the Caribbean for Disaster Risk Reduction, titled "The Challenges of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change in Higher Education," the Logistics Cluster of the World Food Programme (WFP) was invited as a panelist at the 1st International Congress: Safe, Resilient, Sustainable, and Smart Universities, held on October 24 and 25 at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM).
The forum's opening session featured Nahuel Arenas García, Head of the Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), and Francesc Pedró, Director of the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO IESALC).
This event, organized by the Office for Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation (OGGRAC) at UNMSM, under the direction of Architect Gina Chambi Echegaray, and in collaboration with the University Network of the Americas and the Caribbean for Disaster Risk Reduction (REDULAC/RRD), was held in commemoration of the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction.
Representing the WFP Logistics Cluster Preparedness Team, Johanna Morales, Emergency Logistics Preparedness Project Officer in Peru, shared her experience during Module II: "Resilient Universities." She addressed the topic of humanitarian logistics, an essential aspect of emergency management in both academic and professional fields, and highlighted strategic partnerships the Logistics Cluster has established with organizations in various regions, such as Help Logistics and Khune Logistics University.
Presentations in Module II were given by Dr. Marco Antonio Peres Useche, Eng. Henry Adolfo Peralta Buriticá, and Dr. Rualdo Menegat, moderated by Dr. Eduardo Calvo Buendía and Architect Gizzelle Sánchez Fajardo.
It was an honor to share the panel with prominent experts, including:
- Lic. Erika Cienfuegos from Humanity & Inclusion (HI)
- Eng. Jorge Luis Rueda from Caritas Peru
- Rubén Condor Murrugarra from the Roundtable for the Fight Against Poverty (MCLCP)
- Volunteer Firefighter CBP Jaime Carrasco Pérez from the General Corps of Volunteer Firefighters of Peru (CGBVP)
This space enriched the dialogue on the key role of universities in resilience and disaster risk management, highlighting the collective commitment to climate change mitigation and a safer, more sustainable future.